Dr. Christine M. Sequenzia, MDiv, International Religious Freedom Roundtable Campaign to Eliminate Blasphemy and Apostasy Laws Calls for Religious Freedom during Civil Society Congress at IRF Summit 2022
United Nations member countries were encouraged to sign on to a charter drafted by the International Religious Freedom Roundtable Campaign to Eliminate Blasphemy and Apostasy Laws. Co-chairs of the committee are beginning with the most egregious penalty for such laws and calling on the twelve nations currently imposing the death penalty for blasphemy and apostasy to immediately repeal the penalty.
"We believe protecting religious freedom equally for all persons, and for all their representative religious communities is critical to the flourishing of individuals, their faith and their nations," said Dr. Christine M. Sequenzia, MDiv.
religious freedom equally for all persons, and for all their respective religious
communities is critical to individual human flourishing, the flourishing of faith and the
flourishing of nations, in the way it builds resilient pluralistic communities affording all
the human right to be known and exist peacefully in authentic relationship.
religious freedom equally for all persons, and for all their respective religious
communities is critical to individual human flourishing, the flourishing of faith and the
flourishing of nations, in the way it builds resilient pluralistic communities affording all
the human right to be known and exist peacefully in authentic relationship.
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Civil Society Statement | IRF Summit 2022
On behalf of the members of the International Religious Freedom Committee to
Eliminate Blasphemy and Apostacy laws, I would like to thank you all for your deep
commitment to the freedom of religion or belief for all of humankind, including for the
members of persecuted minority religious communities around the world.
I am Dr. Christine Sequenzia, policy director of the National Association of Evangelicals
and co-chair of the IRF committee to eliminate apostacy and blasphemy laws, along
with Hulda Fahmi of the Jubilee Campaign and Mauritanian prisoner of conscious
survivor, Cheick Mkhaitir. The IRF Charter affirms the right of freedom of religion and
conscience for every person by virtue of his or her humanity, reflected in the core of his
or her dignity and personhood. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
reiterates this self-evident truth and we gather here today to denounce denial of
religious freedom to any person as denying this right also denies their God-given right
to live a fully human life and to flourish as a human being. We believe protecting
religious freedom equally for all persons, and for all their respective religious
communities is critical to individual human flourishing, the flourishing of faith and the
flourishing of nations, in the way it builds resilient pluralistic communities affording all
the human right to be known and exist peacefully in authentic relationship.
Specifically, our committee addresses apostasy, leaving a religion or belief, and
blasphemy, the insult of religion or religions objects or places and hate speech laws,
which are increasingly being applied synonymously with blasphemy laws. As stated by
US State Dept Ambassador at Large Rashad Hussain, “such laws limit individuals’ right
to express and practice their faith and empower extremists to take the law into their
own hands and employ violence extrajudicially.” Addressing nations where apostasy is
punishable by death, namely: Afghanistan, Iran, Malaysia, Maldives, Nigeria, Mauritania,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Yemen and where it is a criminal offense in an additional
nine is of critical importance. Currently, blasphemy is punishable in 83 countries, and
the death penalty may be applied in seven of those, including: Afghanistan, Iran,
Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia and Saudi Arabia.
The Committee continues to address these concerns through three channels:
1. Raising awareness through educational opportunities
2. Endorsing legislative efforts like H. Res 512 and S. Res 458 which passed
overwhelmingly during the 116 th Congress, with the help of Chairman Jamie Raskin
and Senator James Lankford. The bill made the repeal of blasphemy and apostasy laws
a priority in bilateral relationships including the designation as a country of particular
concern and called on governments to release those imprisoned pursuant to such
3. The committee also calls for the support of two upcoming United Nations General
Assembly resolutions on extrajudicial executions and the moratorium on the death
penalty. As an urgent action step, we ask you and your organization to endorse the
committee’s UNGA charter toward this end.
We have created an easy-to-use text to sign option that should take less than one
minute to complete.
Simply text IRF to 855.549.0168, that is IRF to 855.549.0168.
Personally, it is my faith that compels me to recognize all people as made in the image
of God and toward loving my neighbor by standing united with people of all faiths in
the promotion of freedom of religion that builds resilient pluralistic communities. In his
own words, Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me ...He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and ...to set at liberty those who are oppressed.” (Luke 4:18)
On behalf of the IRF committee to eliminate apostasy and blasphemy laws, I urge you
to utilize your voice to PROCLAIM LIBERTY TODAY by texting IRF to 855.549.0168